6 Key Benefits of Taking the ACT® and SAT® in the Summer for High School Students

Summertime presents an unparalleled opportunity for high school students to take the ACT® and SAT®. With school out of session, students can devote their full attention to test prep without the usual distractions of homework and extracurricular activities. This focused period can significantly improve test scores and provide a strategic advantage in the competitive college admissions process.

The College Board and ACT have acknowledged the benefits of summer testing by offering convenient summer test dates. These dates allow students to get ahead during their summer break, turning what could be a period of downtime into a proactive step toward their future goals. 

Encourage your clients to seize these testing opportunities and register early to secure their spots—summer is a popular testing season and many centers have limited seats. By doing so, they can make the most of their summer and enhance their college applications with solid test scores.

The 6 Advantages of Taking the ACT®/SAT® in the Summer

There are numerous advantages to taking the ACT® or SAT® during the slower, more flexible summer months. Here are the top 6 reasons why your clients should consider summer testing:

1. Extra Chance for Rising Seniors

Taking the ACT® or SAT® in the summer provides a perfect opportunity for rising seniors to boost their scores before college applications are due.

Unlike the fall, where academic and extracurricular commitments can limit prep time, the summer allows for uninterrupted focus on test prep. This dedicated period can lead to substantial improvements in scores, giving students a competitive edge.

Additionally, testing in the summer allows students to get an early start in the college application season. Summer test dates ensure that scores are available well before early application deadlines, enabling students to apply for Early Action (EA) or Early Decision (ED) programs with confidence.

By capitalizing on summer test dates, rising seniors can reduce the stress of juggling test prep with the start of the school year, making the college application process smoother and less pressured.

2. Avoid Spring Conflicts for Rising Juniors

Spring is a busy time for juniors, with many choosing to take their first ACT® or SAT® during this already hectic period of other high-stakes exams, such as AP exams and final exams, and end-of-the-year deadlines. The overlap of ACT®/SAT® prep and other pressing junior-year commitments can create a highly stressful time, as students struggle to balance their test prep with their other academic responsibilities.

By opting for summer test dates, rising juniors can avoid these spring conflicts entirely. With no AP exams or finals to worry about, they can dedicate their full attention to preparing for the ACT® or SAT®. This focused prep time not only reduces stress but also increases the likelihood of achieving higher scores. Summer testing offers a valuable alternative for students seeking to optimize their performance without the added pressure of a packed spring schedule.

3. Task Completion Before School Year Starts

Traditional ACT® and SAT® test dates are scheduled from September to June; this timing requires students to juggle test prep with academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments, which can quickly add to their overall stress.

By taking the ACT® or SAT® during the summer, students can check off significant to-dos:

  • Fulfill High School and College Requirements: Students can potentially fulfill a high school graduation requirement and a college admission requirement ahead of time, reducing their workload for the upcoming school year.

  • Establish a New Baseline: Achieving a baseline score before the school year starts allows students to set realistic goals for any future test attempts. Based on their test score, they can determine what a “good” test score looks like for them and start working toward that target score.

By taking the ACT® or SAT® in the summer, your clients can achieve a significant milestone in their academic journey, regardless of their current stage in the game, before the next school year begins.

4. More Effective Test Prep

Summer test dates offer a significant advantage by allowing students to complete their testing before the school year begins. With more free time away from academic and extracurricular activities, students can concentrate fully on test prep without the usual pressures of schoolwork and other commitments. This extra time enables a consistent and focused study schedule, leading to a deeper understanding of the content and improved test-taking strategies.

Furthermore, summer test dates eliminate the gap between the end of summer prep and traditional fall test dates. Many times, students who prepare but don’t test over the summer face a gap before they can actually take the test, which often leads to a decline in retention and performance. By testing during the summer months, students can take the exam while their knowledge and skills are at their peak.

This concentrated and continuous prep during the summer can lead to potentially higher scores. Students can build momentum in their study habits and maintain a consistent focus, which is often disrupted during the school year. By taking advantage of summer test dates, students can maximize their test prep efforts and achieve the best possible outcomes on their ACT® or SAT® exams.

5. Better Planning for Retakes

Early summer testing helps students identify areas needing improvement, providing valuable insights to guide their preparation for a fall retake. With this feedback, students can focus their efforts more effectively, addressing weaknesses and reinforcing strengths. Summer score reports act as a roadmap, offering a clear plan for targeted study. This strategic approach maximizes the chances of achieving higher scores on subsequent attempts.

6. Ample Time for Test Retakes

By completing their first ACT® or SAT® exam during the summer, students have ample time to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement. If needed, they can retake the exams, giving them multiple opportunities to achieve their best possible scores.

This strategic approach ensures students have the time and flexibility to strengthen their academic knowledge, sharpen test-taking skills, and maximize their potential for score improvement.

Summer SAT® & ACT® Prep

Maintaining test-prep momentum through the summer months is crucial for achieving the best possible scores. The upcoming summer SAT® and ACT® test dates provide an excellent focus for students' efforts, allowing them to build on the progress they've made during the school year without interruption. 

You can also capitalize on the benefits of summer testing by offering your existing and potential clients free practice tests—a sure way to give your business a boost this summer!

Summer offers a unique opportunity for students to dedicate uninterrupted time to studying, ensuring they are well-prepared when test day arrives. Encourage your clients to take advantage of this period by establishing a consistent study schedule, utilizing practice tests, and focusing on areas that need improvement. With fewer distractions and more available time, students can make significant strides in their test prep and their academic pathway.

Step into the Future of Test Prep with Clear Choice Prep!

The SAT® has switched to all-digital testing—and so has Clear Choice Prep!

Equip your tutoring business with cutting-edge, fully digital test-prep courses. Our white-label, adaptive Digital SAT® practice tests feature precise, algorithmic scoring, providing your tutors and students with essential data for personalized instruction and score improvement.

Ready to elevate your test prep game? Schedule a complimentary demo and see the difference for yourself!