Big Changes to the ACT®: What We Know So Far

On July 15, ACT announced significant changes to the test that will offer students greater choice and flexibility. These modifications—set to begin rolling out in spring 2025 for National online testing and spring 2026 for school-day testing—will undoubtedly impact how we prepare our students for the ACT®. 

Here’s a breakdown of the two major changes on the ACT® and what they mean for test-prep tutors, ACT® takers, and students deciding between the ACT® and SAT®.

#1: Flexibility in Test Sections

One of the most notable changes is the option for students to choose whether to take the science section of the ACT®. 

Moving forward, the core sections of the test will include English, reading, and math, which will contribute to the college-reportable Composite score. 

On the new ACT®, both the science and writing sections will be optional, allowing students to choose one of four test-taking options:

  1. ACT®, 

  2. ACT® plus science, 

  3. ACT® plus writing, or 

  4. ACT® plus science and writing.

This flexibility of choice is a complete game changer for test takers, enabling them to choose which content areas they are tested on.

What This Means for Test Prep:

  • Customized Prep: Test-prep plans and sessions can now be tailored based on the student’s chosen test configuration, allowing for more focused and efficient study plans.

  • Strategic Decisions: Students can now play to their strengths, potentially improving their Composite scores by opting out of sections where they feel less confident.

#2 Shorter Test Duration

To reduce test fatigue, the ACT will shorten the test duration by up to one-third. The new core test will last just 2 hours, compared to the previous 3 hours. 

This reduction is achieved by:

  1. including shorter passages in the reading and English sections and 

  2. reducing the total number of questions by 44.

What This Means for Test Prep:

  • Time Management: With fewer questions and shorter passages, students will need to adjust their time management strategies. Practice with the new format will ensure students adapt and pace themselves effectively. 

  • Increased Focus: The reduced length aims to mitigate fatigue, potentially leading to better performance. Students will need to practice maintaining high levels of concentration and accuracy throughout the shorter test.

Implications for ACT® Test Takers:

These changes are designed to make the ACT® more accessible and less daunting for students. By offering flexibility in the test structure and reducing the overall duration, ACT aims to create a more manageable and tailored testing experience.

For Students Deciding Between the ACT® and SAT®

ACT’s upcoming changes pose a real challenge to the SAT® since students will soon have more options when deciding whether to take the ACT® or the SAT®.

To help guide your clients toward the best decision for them, there are a few factors to consider based on these new ACT® changes:

  • Academic Strengths: Students who excel in science might still prefer the ACT® with the science section. Conversely, those who feel stronger in other areas may benefit from the option to omit the science section.

  • Test Duration: Students who are concerned about test fatigue may find the shorter ACT® format more appealing.

  • Prep Strategy: The changes in the ACT® format might influence test-prep strategies. Students will have more choices when considering which test aligns better with their strengths and study habits.

The upcoming changes to the ACT® reflect ACT’s commitment to evolving with the needs of students and educators. 

Key Takeaways

  • Students can choose to skip the science section of the ACT®.

  • The ACT® now offers 4 test options, including combinations with science and writing.

  • Test duration is reduced from 3 hours to 2 hours.

  • The test will have shorter passages and 44 fewer questions.

  • Students need new time management strategies and should practice maintaining focus.

  • The shorter ACT® format may appeal to students concerned about fatigue.

  • The changes make the ACT® more accessible and less intimidating.

  • Students should consider their strengths when choosing between the ACT® and SAT®.

Step into the Digital Age of SAT® Prep! 

The SAT® made the switch to all-digital testing—and so has Clear Choice Prep

We’re ready to equip your tutoring business with top-tier, fully digital test-prep courses. Our white-label, all-digital, adaptive Digital SAT® practice tests come with accurate, algorithmic scoring, granting your tutors and students access to the vital data required for custom instruction and score enhancement. 

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