How to Teach Academic Integrity Strategies: Guidance for Tutors and High School Students

As educators, we want to help impart knowledge and essential academic skills, but we also want to instill a strong sense of credibility and ethical behavior in our students through academic integrity. 

Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of education, ensuring that students learn not only the subject matter but also the values that will serve them well throughout their lives. Teaching academic integrity is crucial for long-term success. 

To help promote a respectable and principled approach to education, we'll explore strategies for teaching academic integrity effectively and provide helpful tips for our high school students on maintaining it.

For Tutors: Teaching Academic Integrity

Establish High Standards From the Start. Your first session with every new client should set parameters in place to clearly define the tutor-client relationship and lay the foundation for accountability measures between both parties. Establishing expectations and standards from the start will allow you to hold your clients (and help them hold themselves) accountable for their efforts.

Lead by Example. You are role models, and students often learn more from what you do than what you say. Demonstrate academic integrity in your interactions, discussions, and resources (e.g., using authentic practice materials instead of stolen ones). Avoid taking and teaching shortcuts or “cheats” that support dishonest behavior in your students. Unethical practices will undoubtedly come back to bite you! 

Explain the Importance of Integrity. Make it a point to discuss the significance of academic integrity. Students can't put into practice what they don't understand. Emphasize that learning and personal growth are at the heart of education, and cheating undermines these essential values. Connect academic integrity to real-world scenarios, showing how honesty and ethical behavior are valued traits that will serve them well in every aspect of their lives.

Give Credit Where Credit is Due! Plagiarism is a serious issue, but one that can be hard for students to fully grasp. Discuss what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Explain the importance of giving recognition to ideas and information that are not their own. 

Teach your students the importance of citations and how to properly cite sources. Provide examples of correct citation formats (i.e., quoting, paraphrasing, referencing) and discuss common pitfalls to watch out for. Especially in this new realm of AI generators, students need to understand the fine line between original work and plagiarism (we’ll provide essential guidelines on how to help our students use AI ethically later in this post). In many colleges and universities, plagiarism can be grounds for course failure or even expulsion. Helping your college-bound students now can save them from costly mistakes later!

Encourage Original Thinking. Urge your students to develop their own ideas and opinions. Guide them in brainstorming, outlining, and drafting their work from scratch. Explain the value of originality and critical thinking in their academic pursuits.

Teach Essential Study Skills. Part of academic integrity involves proper time management and study skills. Teach your students how to effectively organize their study materials, create practical study schedules, and manage their time wisely to reduce the temptation of stooping to shady practices due to time constraints.

Provide Clear Expectations. Always explicitly communicate your expectations. Give easy-to-understand guidelines for every assignment. Go over instructions together so that your students can ask real-time questions and you can explain exactly what you are asking them to do. Doing so provides your students with clarity and a clear objective for what they are supposed to accomplish.  

Discuss Collaboration Boundaries. This is another tricky concept that is super important for our students to understand. While collaboration can be beneficial, make sure your students understand the boundaries between legitimate collaboration and academic misconduct; they need to know how to take those ideas discussed, pluck the notions and angles that align with their viewpoint, and put them into their own words. Teach them when it's appropriate to work with others on assignments and how to do so fairly.

For Students: Maintaining Academic Integrity

The following are essential tips and strategies for you to share with your clients to help them learn and maintain academic integrity both in school and in test prep. 

Plan. Avoid the pressure of last-minute work by planning out study sessions, assignments, and test prep well in advance. Academic planners are clutch for planning out an entire month’s activities; utilize the weekly and daily portions of these planners to keep close tabs on what needs to get done. Planning ahead helps prevent the temptation of resorting to dishonest practices out of desperation and looming deadlines.

Take Effective Notes. During class and study sessions, take thorough and organized notes. This will help you understand the material better and reduce the need to copy notes from others or use unauthorized resources to fill in the blanks.

Give Credit Where Credit is Due! Whenever you use someone else's ideas, words, or work, you must always, always, always use proper citations. Understand how to appropriately paraphrase and know the different citation styles (e.g., MLA, APA) and how to apply them correctly. 

How to Use AI Ethically. AI generators can be great for brainstorming, generating ideas, and even creating drafts. However, they should never replace your own critical thinking and understanding of the subject matter. Use these tools as supplements rather than substitutes for your own effort. Expand on these ideas, add your own insights, and make sure that your final work is uniquely yours. Just like you would cite traditional sources, credit the AI generator if you're directly using or paraphrasing its content. Academic honesty applies to all sources—human or machine-generated!

Practice Self-Discipline. Stay committed to your personal and academic growth. Avoid seeking shortcuts or “cheats” or using unauthorized resources. Remember that the true value of education comes from the effort that you put into it!

Ask Questions and Follow Instructions. Every assignment/project/exam has guidelines that help you stay on task and complete the work. If you're unsure about a particular part of your assignment or study material, don't hesitate to ask your tutor or teacher for clarification. Misunderstandings can lead to unintentional mistakes, and mistakes, even unintentional ones, can affect your academic integrity.

Choose Your Friends Wisely. Whenever possible, surround yourself with peers who value honesty and integrity. Peer pressure can sometimes lead to unethical behavior (like passing notes during a test or sharing answers on homework assignments) so it's important to have a supportive circle of friends. And no matter what, don’t share your work! A real friend won’t ask to copy your assignment or cheat on a test!

Teaching and practicing academic integrity is a shared responsibility between educators and students. As tutors, we have a unique opportunity to help our students become not only knowledgeable individuals but ethical learners. By leading by example, explaining the importance of academic integrity, and providing the necessary skills, we can equip our students with the tools to succeed honestly. For students, maintaining academic integrity requires discipline, effective study habits, and a commitment to their own growth. In the end, upholding academic integrity leads to not only a stronger foundation for learning but also for lifelong success.


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