Posts tagged College Admissions
Proof UC Knows Test-Optional and Test-Blind Admissions Are Problematic

The University of California’s Academic Council’s latest study has major implications for the testing industry. In fact, the findings prove that much of the current doom and gloom around the future of testing is largely unfounded.

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No, UC Did Not Just Deliver the Knockout Punch to the Test-Prep Industry

The University of California Board of Regents have recently approved a plan which many are touting as the death knell of college admissions tests.

It’s not.

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5 Best Ways to Help a Student with a College Admission Essay - Part 2

Part 2: These final 2 tips focus more on the actual writing process itself. This is an area where too little help could result in a weak, error-ridden submission. Conversely, too much help could raise concerns that the applicant’s essay is actually the work of someone else.

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5 Best Ways to Help Students with College Admission Essays - Part 1

Part 1: The college essay can be one of the most challenging and stressful steps in applying to college. Effectively supporting your clients through the college essay writing process is an invaluable resource and a major value-add to your business.

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Will the Test-Optional "Trend" Catch on?

From the earliest attempts to rank students, most reasonable people have viewed standardized testing as something of a necessary evil in college admissions. Has that begun to change?

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