Posts tagged Test-Prep Support
How the Pandemic Affected College and Career Choices of the COVID Cohort

ACT Research’s recently published survey emphasizes the crucial role of tutors in continuing to provide support to high school students whose academic careers have been deeply impacted by the pandemic.

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3 Ways to Attack the New Digital SAT® Reading and Writing Modules

We’ve found 3 ways to effectively attack the new digital SAT® Reading and Writing modules. We’ve noted the pros and cons of each option so you can better support your clients as they consider and choose the strategy that works best for them.

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Setting Goals for Winter Break Test Prep

There’s a certain excitement that starts to churn as we get closer to some well-deserved time off. That said, successful test prep can’t take time off. Growth requires sustained effort and attention—especially when it comes to prepping for the SAT® and ACT®.

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5 Ways to Keep Test Prep on Track During the Holidays

Whether you’re full of holiday cheer or feeling a bit Grinchy, November and December will undoubtedly be busy. Even so, students and tutors need to keep their eyes on the ball when it comes to keeping pace with test-prep goals during the holiday season.

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